
Customer Programming Software Cps Software
Customer Programming Software Cps Software

Customer Programming Software Cps Software

Download via the link provided when purchased.Installation of Motorola Customer Programming Software Motorola DM (Mobile and Vehicle Radios).Motorola SLR Repeaters (SLR5000 & SLR8000).Motorola ATEX Radios (Motorola DP4401EX & DP4801EX).Motorola DP2000 Series (Motorola DP2400e, DP2600e).This software is designed to be used on the following radios: ***This product is excluded from our Money Back Guarantee*** Please note No Refunds are offered on this product as it is downloadable at point of sale. The software is used on radios purchased from September 2019 onwards or radio that have been updated with the latest firmware.

Customer Programming Software Cps Software

Please click here to obtain a legal copy.Motorola Customer Programming Software (CPS) Version 2.0 is now available via downloable purchase.

Customer Programming Software Cps Software

If you came here via a Google search, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but it is not possible to download the CPS from this site.

Customer Programming Software Cps Software

If you need to get the CPS and, for whatever reason, are unable to contact the company who supplied you the radios, then please click here. The radio supplier can, as a service, provide periodic updates for purchased CPS via their website or via Motorola Online. I don't know about Latin America or Asia.Įnd customers in EMEA can obtain the CPS from the same source as their radios. I understand that in the USA and Canada, it is possible for end-customers to gain access to Motorola Online by purchasing a software subscription licence - this is not available in EMEA. This is the case for all customers in Europe the Middle-East and Africa (EMEA). The Customer Programming Software required to configure a MOTOTRBO radio is only available to Motorola Channel Partners, who in terms of their agreement with Motorola Solutions, have access to Motorola Online.

Customer Programming Software Cps Software